Filtering by Views

You can filter your contacts by changing the views across the top of your Contacts page.

Here is a breakdown of each view:

  • Only people: shows the people contacts in your account. Excludes companies.
  • Only companies: shows the company contacts in your account. Excludes people.
  • Recently viewed people & companies: shows most recent contacts you've viewed in your account.
  • Recently added people & companies: shows contacts added manually or through an import with the date added next to each one.
  • Recently imported people & companies: shows contacts from the most recent imported file including the date of the import.
  • People with activity (emails, notes) since...: shows people contacts with any activity (tasks, notes, emails, updates) in the time frame you specify.
  • People without activity (emails, notes) since...: shows people contacts without activity (tasks, notes, emails, updates) in the time frame you specify.
  • People without tags: shows people contacts that are not tagged.

Please note: Activity for these filters is defined by a contact with an e-mail sent or received, a note added, a task created or completed, and an update through API or contact editor within the time period selected.

TIP: Three underrated contact filters

Filter by last time contacted

You can see the last time someone was contacted from the main contacts view.

In Highrise, you can track email using your dropbox address, the Gmail/G Suite or Outlook integration, or by autoforwarding incoming emails directly into your account.

Each time you have an email interaction with someone, or leave a note about them, Highrise records it on the contact's page. Use view filters to find contacts that do not have any emails or notes within certain timeframes.

Timeframes for filtering contacts without a note or email include:

Since . . .

  • two days ago
  • one week ago
  • two weeks ago
  • one month ago
  • three months ago
  • six months ago
  • one year ago
  • the account was created (never)

Using this filter, you can see who you may not have spoken to recently, and you can use Broadcast to email them all at once and follow up.

TIP: Always remember to follow-up with contacts!

Saved Filters

Highrise gives you the option to save any filter. You can find this option when filtering by any field, view, or tag.

Click Save this filter  to name your filter and save it.

Access any saved filters in the same menu option as view filters. By default up to 5 saved filters show, click More  to view all saved filters.

Saved filters are shared amongst all users in your account. If you delete a saved filter, the deletion is permanent.

Next article: Using Tags

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