Edit or Delete Contacts

Any user can edit a contact in Highrise. However, only an admin, the Account Owner, or the contact creator can delete a contact.

Edit a Contact

Edit a contact by clicking  Edit this person or Edit this company on the right side of the contact's page.

This brings up the contact's edit page.

Scroll through and make any changes to the person or company. Once complete, click the  Save this person or Save this company button at the bottom of the page.

Trying to edit multiple contacts at once? Read about how to bulk edit contacts.

Delete a Contact

The ability to delete contacts in Highrise is limited by role. Only admins and the Account Owner can delete any contact in your account. If you are a user without admin privileges, you will only be able to delete contacts you created yourself. If you do not see the delete option on a contact, ask your Account Owner to grant you admin rights.

If you have the necessary privileges, you can delete a contact by clicking  Edit this person or Edit this company on the right side of the contact's page.

On the contact's edit page, click  Delete this person or Delete this company.

After deleting the contact, confirm by clicking  I understand - delete this person or I understand - delete this company.

Once confirmed, the contact will be moved to the Trash.  Delete a contact by accident? Restore the contact from your trash can for up to 30 days.

Delete Multiple Contacts

You can delete a group of contacts from the Contacts page. Select the contacts to delete, click the  Delete tab, and confirm the deletion.

Using a tag to delete a group of contacts

If you have a large group of contacts that you want to delete, you can use a tag to make it easier to select and delete them all at once.

  1. Create a spreadsheet with the contacts that you want to delete. Include a column for Tags, and add a new tag to identify the contacts you want to delete.
  2. Import the spreadsheet to bulk update the contacts in Highrise.
  3. Filter your contacts by the new tag you created. Select All, and choose Delete.

Here is an example of filtering by a tag to delete multiple contacts.

TIP: Check out this deeper guide on why and how you can delete contacts in bulk.

Remember: if you delete a group of contacts by accident, you can restore the contacts from your trash can for up to 30 days.

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