Latest Activity

The  Latest Activity is a feed for activity in your account. It includes the following types of activity:

  • notes added to a contact, case, or deal
  • emails sent to a contact or received from a contact
  • comments to notes or emails
  • completed tasks by you or your team
  • files attached to notes, emails, or comments
  • any changes to a deals status: created, won, or lost

Other activity views

There are three other activity views in your account:

1. When viewing a contact's page:

Every person or company contact has its own activity view. If a person is associated with a company, any activity related to that person will also appear in the company's activity view.

2. When viewing a deal's page:

This includes activity added directly to the deal, and any notes or emails associated with contacts, that have been filed to the deal.

3. When viewing a case's page:

This includes activity added directly to the case, and any notes or emails associated with contacts, that have been filed to the case.

Filter your activity

You can filter any activity view by  NotesEmailsFiles, or Comments. The Latest Activity section includes a Statistics view.

You can also filter by a specific user or member of your team to find activity added by that person.

Learn more about statistics in your account here.

Please note: Activity views on a contact's page, deal's page, or case's page do not include an option to filter by statistics. Only the Latest Activity view includes an option to filter by statistics.

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