Contact Types

Highrise has two types of contacts: People and Companies.

1. People

Every person you add to your Highrise account will have a contact page. When you and your team add notes and emails related to that person, they are all tracked on the contact's page. You can also add tasks related to a person, or add them to any case or deal.

People can belong to one company or can be independent, belonging to no company.  At this time, a person cannot belong to more than one company in Highrise.

2. Companies

Companies connect people who belong to the same organization.

Each company has a contact page where you and your team can add notes, emails, and tasks. Company contact pages also aggregate all the communication you and your team have with people who belong to that company.

If you interact with different contacts at a company, it may be easier to enter the notes on the company page instead of making separate notes for each person.

How do I know how many contacts are in my account?

You can find the exact number of people and companies in your account by changing your contacts view to  Only People  or Only Companies .

The only contacts that count toward your plan limit are people contacts. For example, on the free plan, you can have up to 250 people in Highrise.

Latest Activity

Any notes, emails, comments, or files about your contacts will appear in the  Latest Activity  section of your account. You can filter by NotesEmailsFilesComments , or Statistics .

You can also filter by a specific user or member of your team to find activity added by that person.

Learn more about statistics in your account here.

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