
A person's contact page includes their company and contact details as well as related information like emails, notes, tasks, and files.

Here's a quick glance:

Adding people to Highrise

You can add a person to Highrise by clicking on Add contact  across the top of your account.

Fill out the appropriate information and scroll down to click Add this person  to create the contact.

TIP: Use a Wordpress form to collect leads? Automatically create contacts in Highrise from them.

When you add a company to the Company Name  field, if the company already exists, the contact will automatically inherit any company information—which will be viewable upon saving for that contact. This information will also display in exports and the iPhone app when viewing the new contact's data.

If the company does not exist yet, Highrise will also create a company contact.

Once the person is created, you can view what user added the person and the date the person was added on the right side of the person's page.

TIP: Check out this deeper look on how to find who added a contact in Highrise.

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