Adding a Contact Photo

You can add a photo or image to any of your contacts. When creating or editing a contact, click  Change Photo.

We recommend an image size of 55×55 pixels in PNG format. If the image is smaller than 55 pixels on either side, Highrise will zoom in, distorting the image.

If you need to remove a photo, click  Edit this contact and Change Photo, and then Remove Current Photo or choose the blank avatar.

Notice photos you didn't upload?

Highrise automatically suggests avatars from a few different places around the web to save you time. It uses the email addresses, website addresses, or Twitter profiles you’ve entered for the contact to find images.

Email addresses are checked against Gravatar or the domain name. Gravatar supports the creation of a global avatar which can be used on services like GitHub or Wordpress. If your contact has a Gravatar set up, it will be added to their contact page in Highrise.

For example, the  Basecamp HQ company contact has entered as a website address and entered as a Twitter profile. These two sources suggest two different images.

Highrise automatically adds an avatar based on the first suggestion entered on a contact. In the same example, the website address was entered first and assigned to the contact automatically. You can change the avatar and see other suggestions by editing a contact.

The same is true when importing new contacts from CSV, Excel, or vCard files. The first suggestion (email address, website address, or Twitter profile) added to the contact automatically populates its avatar.

If you're updating existing contacts through an import, and a contact doesn't have an avatar, the first suggestion entered will populate it too.

Please note: Highrise does ignore common email domains (,,,,,, etc.) when suggesting avatars. At this time, LinkedIn images are not supported due to the terms of LinkedIn's API.

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