Deal Categories

Categories help you keep your deals organized. You can create categories for product type, deal size, client type—whatever system works for your organization.

Editing categories

From your Deals tab, click the  Edit link under the Deal Categories section on the right side of the page.

You can also access the Edit categories link when creating a new deal or editing an existing deal.

From this page, you can create, edit, or remove categories. Each category can also have a color to help you organize your deals.

Changes to categories impact everyone's deals in your Highrise account.

For example, if you change  Multifamily to Single Family, users in your account will see deals marked Multifamily replaced with Single Family. Make sure you inform your team before making any changes.

Filtering by category

You can filter by category from your tasks page:

Read more about Deal filters here.

Next article: Deal Custom Fields

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