Manage File Storage

Paid Highrise plans include a certain amount of file storage. The storage limits range from 5 GB to 300 GB. If you need more file storage, the Account Owner can upgrade your account. That is the only way to increase your file storage space at this time.

View how much storage you're using

Only the Account Owner is able to view file storage usage. If you do not see Account & settings in the top right hand corner of your account, you're not the Account Owner.

Under  Account & settings navigate to Account, upgrades, billing.

The file storage for the entire Highrise account is listed at the top left of the page.

When you reach your storage limit

When you reach your file storage limit, the Account Owner will receive an email notification. If your storage is full, you will not be able to add any files or attachments from emails.

There are two ways to make room for additional files in your Highrise account:

1. Upgrade your account

The Account Owner can upgrade your account to allow for more file storage.

This will allow you to continue to add files and attachments in your account.

If you've reached the max file storage limit of 300 GB on the Ultra Plan, you can't purchase more file storage at this time. You will need to remove files to clear space.

2. Remove files to clear space

If you don't want to upgrade your account, you can delete files to clear space.

The Account Owner can access a list of the largest files from the account page.

Click the  your biggest files link across the top of the page.

Find the largest files sorted by size on this page. The Account Owner can click the file name to view the note or email associated with it or click  Delete to remove the file from the account.

You can also remove files from notes, emails, or comments following these steps.

ImportantIf you're using a Suite account, you will not find the biggest files link on your account page. You can still access the link by going to: after substituting yoursubdomain with the subdomain on your account.

Please note: Files cannot be restored from the trash can. All deletions are permanent.

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