Change Your Dropbox Addresses

Occasionally you may need to change your dropbox addresses for one of these reasons.

1. Your account URL changed.

If your Account Owner changes your account URL, this will also change all of your dropbox addresses. Be sure to update any addresses you have saved to your email client.

2. Your dropbox address is being spammed.

If you've carbon-copied (CC) your dropbox address on emails, other people may  Reply All and cause errors to your dropbox address.

This could also expose your dropbox address and place it on mailing lists, which could cause you to receive bounce messages.

How to Change Your Dropbox Addresses

You can change your dropbox address on your own by going to the  My Info section of your account.

If you’re an admin or a user, this link will be under the  Settings section in the right corner of the account. The Account Owner will find this link under the Account & settings section in the right corner of the account.

Click on the  Email dropbox tab. Your personal dropbox address will be in the yellow bar.

Scroll down and click the  Generate new addresses link that shows at the bottom of the yellow box.

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