Edit and File Notes

You can edit a note that you added by hovering your cursor over the bottom of the note to find the  Edit  and Delete  icons.

Clicking the  Edit  icons provides options to:

  • Attach files to the note or email
  • File the note or email to a case or deal
  • Adjust who can see the note or email or its permissions
  • Select a different date of when the note or email happened

Make your edits to the note and save your changes.

Attach notes to cases or deals

You can attach any note to a case or deal. This allows the note to appear both  on the case/deal page and on a contact's page.

Notes can be attached when they are created, or later, by filing them to a case or deal.

Attach a new note to a case or deal

When you enter a note on a contact's page, click on the  Show options  link and select a case or deal from the pull down menu.

You can scroll through recently used cases or deals, all cases and deals, or search for a specific case or deal.

When you add your note, it will appear on both the contact's page and the care or deal it was filed to.

File an existing note to a case or deal

Notes that have already been created can also be filed to a case or deal. Hover your cursor over the bottom of the note to find the option to  Edit  the note.

Click the  Edit  icon and use the pull down menu to attach the note to a case or deal, then save your changes.

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