Edit Your Login Information

Only you can change your username or other login information. The Account Owner cannot change the username or login information for users on his or her account.

You can edit your username or login information at any time.

First, login and go to your  My Info link.

If you’re an admin or a user, this link will be under the  Settings section in the right corner of the account. The Account Owner will find this link under the Account & settings section in the right corner of the account.

Next, you will find your username and login information in a card at the top of the page.

Click the  Edit your personal information link.

Here you can edit your name and email address. After making changes, save the new information.

If you want to change your username or password, or enable phone verification click  Change your login info here.

Request password reset

If you're unable to login, you can request a password reset here using your email address.

If you don't get an email from us within a few minutes please be sure to check your spam filter. The email will be coming from  support@basecamp.com.

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